Saturday, 10 August 2013

My thoughts...

I am a member of a few forums and group. I joined all the group with one obvious intention, to gain as much information as I need. I will scan though all the old posts and stuff to look for the information that I want before I post the questions. I have notice that now a days, lots of newbie will join the forum and post question straight away. I also notice there are some rude member who thinks they know it all. I found that it is extremely annoying. Where are all the manners? I walked this path on my own, I did all the research before I ask any question in those groups, why can't those newbies do the same? I absolutely hate people that expect to be spoon feed. That's why I have always be observer in the forums and groups. 

Now that I am at one of the last stage in my transition and I wish to help some sincere people that looks for information, advises or help. However I just cannot bring myself to post anything else in the forum, hence this blog is being create. 

It's so sad that this world is full of haters and pessimistic. While some people put efforts in doing good things, there will always be some haters and pessimistic people who post negative comments.

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